Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Founding of New Netherland and New France (Core Lesson 4, Chapter 4)

Good morning,

      I hope everyone had a pleasant and relaxing Thanksgiving holiday. I am attaching my lesson plans for this week and next week. I have also included on the lesson plans the homework for the next two weeks. I will be emailing PowerPoints for vocabulary, extra credit and the rotation schedule for the next few weeks later this evening.

      I also wanted to remind you of several events coming up in the next few weeks. First of all, on Thursday night, our school will be hosting Math Night from 6 until 8 pm at the Winn Dixie on New Berlin Road. Please consider joining us because we will be showing you ways to incorporate math into daily tasks such as shopping.
      On Saturday December 1st, students will be reading their own chosen picture book from 2:30 until 3:00 pm. I have 6 students signed up at this point to read. I would love to have more join us. If your child needs a book to read, I have a wide range here and at my home. Students just need to let me know which one they would like to read.
       Our students will also be going on a field trip on December 10th to the movies. We will be seeing Rise of the Guardians. The cost will be $7 which includes the ticket and the bus. Students will need to bring a bagged lunch. If you wish for your child to purchase lunch, they can purchase it at Regency's Food Court. Parents are welcome to attend this trip. However, you may need to provide your own transportation there, depending on how filled the buses are. Thank you again for all that you do and feel free to contact me at any time.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

November 5

Dear Parents,

     I apologize but I did not attach the correct homework for the week for Reading/Social Studies.  I have listed the correct homework below for this week.  I apologize for the error.

Reading: Read 30 minutes nightly.  Students are to read The Golden Lion Tamarin.  
Social Studies: Students will read and answer the questions for Chapter 3, Core Lesson 5.  This will be due Friday.   They will also complete Chapter 4, Core Lesson 1 and it will be due Tuesday, November 12.
Vocabulary: Students should study their words for the week. Homework labels should include name, subject area, date, and assignment.  

     I also placed stickers with usernames and password in the agendas today for two of the classes and I will be placing stickers in the agenda of the third homeroom tomorrow.  The username and password I placed in the agenda are for Destination Success. 


This is an excellent website that provides practice in both reading and math.  Mrs. Corey and I have both programmed activities for the students to use.  The activities that we programmed were based on individual student benchmark scores.  Again, this is just another resource available for you to have your child use.  Most of the activities do not take very long to complete and are very colorful and exciting. 
     I also wanted to let you know that I included the FAIR test results in the report cards yesterday.  The FAIR test is a statewide reading test given to students to determine reading level.  Included in the results were suggested activities that will help improve your child's reading comprehension.  The FAIR is given to students 3 times a year and you will get these results each time the test is given.  If you have any questions about them, please do not hesitate to call.  Thank you for all you do and have a great evening.