Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Classroom Times 10-20-2011



Great work Trevor!

Compound Words PowerPoint

Great work Justin!


Dear Parents,
I have been working on showing your children how to create a PowerPoint. Feel free to allow them to create a PowerPoint for their homework. They are welcome to email it me at With your permission, I will happily share their work on our class blog. Thank you for your continued support and I look forward to hearing from you!

Ms. Snyder

Shadow of the Silk Road/Colin Thubron

The Ancient Silk Road of China by Michael Fairchild .mov

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Marco Polo

Check out the videos below for more information about Marco Polo. Check it out!

Marco Polo part 2

Marco Polo part 1

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Just wanted to share that the students are free to be creative with submitting their homework. As you see below, they are free to create a Word Document to email to me. They are also free to create a PowerPoint, video, etc.. Have fun with it!

Vocabulary Homework

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